Smoking Essay — Useful Ideas to Implement

The problem of smoking is similar to an iceberg: on the surface, there are only distant views of the majority of people about smoking as a usual harmful and widespread habit. Many of the smokers argue in the following way: "Many people smoke — and I smoke. What's wrong with that? "

Part of the iceberg that is under water is a hidden and severe medical, social and economic consequences. Numerous polls of the population indicate that many people do not know at all or do not know enough about the harm and all possible consequences of smoking. Students are often asked to do an independent study of this problem, as well as to talk about their attitudes in an essay on smoking.

Essay About Smoking: Format Tips

An essay about smoking is an independent work of the student, which contains two compulsory components. That is a full-fledged study of the problem or some aspect of it, as well as the expression and justification of one's own opinion. Since the issue of smoking is primarily social, students of sociological and psychological faculties face this task. In this connection, it makes sense to find out how to write a smoking essay.

How to Write a Smoking Essay

Work on this topic will have a standard structure of three parts. Let's see what should be in each of them.

Smoking Essay Introduction

The task of smoking essay introduction is to encourage the reader to read further. To do this, you can choose an interesting fact about smoking, which will also be relevant to the topic of your work.

For example, if you write about ways to quit smoking, then in the introduction you can say that 95% of smokers immediately quit smoking after a heart attack. It could be a good start for an essay, the central thought of which is that the habit of smoking is rooted in our head (this is a ready-made thesis, use it).

Smoking Essay Body

In the smoking essay body, you need to argue your thesis proposal step by step. For example, continuing the topic of quitting, you can refer to psychological research, recall Alan Kar and his book, supplement the argument with personal examples if the format of the work allows it.

Smoking Essay Conclusion

In smoking essay conclusion, briefly, repeat your primary thoughts. Do not write new facts or links to sources. In the case of our example, tell that smoking is a psychological dependence due to specific arguments.

Cause and Effect Essay on Smoking

When you work on preparing a cause and effect essay on smoking, follow the basic rules for writing this kind of work. In this case, this task is elementary. For example, you can write about the likelihood of cancer as a consequence of smoking. It's scary even to say it, isn’t it?

Argumentative Essay About Smoking: What to State?

In your argumentative essay about smoking, you must express your point of view. The example we discussed above is also perfect for this type of work.

Use the following arguments on the topic:

  • a direct relationship between smoking and many diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems has been proved;
  • components of tobacco smoke are the most well-known carcinogens associated with the development of lung, trachea, bronchial, larynx and esophageal cancer;
  • smoking during pregnancy is the reason for the intrauterine fetal death, the birth of children with low body weight, premature infants. Also, the risk of miscarriage and intrauterine growth retardation increase dramatically;
  • an extinguished cigarette is to blame for about a quarter of the fires in homes that take several thousand lives each year;
  • a smoker spoils not only his health but also the health of the surrounding people, including his loved ones; secondhand smoke also kills.

A Persuasive Essay About Smoking: Techniques to Use

If you write a persuasive essay about smoking, then your job is to convince someone, in this case, to stop smoking. (Please, do not urge anyone to start doing this, although, from rhetoric, this could be a useful exercise).

You can start with the following statement: "Currently, the trend is this: in more developed countries there are fewer smokers, and the higher the level of human education, the more likely that a person will not become a smoker."

Smoking Essay Outline

In this article, we developed an approximate smoking essay outline so that it was easier for you to navigate the topic. Follow the correct structure, use rational arguments and your work will undoubtedly be worthy of reading and appreciation.