Agree or Disagree Essay: How to Define and Write It

An agree or disagree essay is a common type of paper that is given during IELTS exams. Usually, students are given 40 minutes to read the task and identify the main question, find the answer, support their ideas with evidence, and provide a response. The response to the issue is an agree or disagree essay. A student has to agree or disagree with the statement and provide relevant information to support his idea.

When writing an essay during the exam, it is difficult to plan the answer, provide your own ideas, and support them with evidence. Limited time and lack of experience in creating such types of academic paper often lead to lower scoring. In this article, you will find guidelines for writing a perfect essay. Review our tips and examples.

How to Write an Agree or Disagree Essay in a Short Time?

To create a winning paper, you need to practice writing. Once you know how to structure an essay, you can dive into details. For example, you can practice providing different ideas and explain your agreement or disagreement.

Learn to express your opinion clearly. The answer has to be expansive to allow readers to understand your point. So, the first thing you need to do is to carefully read the statement, think about it, and generate some ideas. After, you can start writing an essay.

Plan the Agree or Disagree Essay Structure

All academic papers have to be structured. An organized essay looks professional, plus it is easier to read it and follow the writer's ideas. A lot of students struggle with the question of how many ideas they should put in the paper, in what order, and how many evidences they need to provide to get the best grade.

As a rule, it is enough to provide 2 ideas whether you strongly agree or disagree with a certain idea or statement. Agree or disagree essay structure can also have two opposite ideas. You can agree with the statement and disagree with it. In this case, you need to provide one idea to support the statement and one to explain your disagreement.

Agree or Disagree Essay Outline Guide

An agree or disagree essay has quite a simple outline. Follow it step-by-step, and your paper will look perfectly organized and professional:

  • Introduction. Write a question or statement in your own words and express your overall viewpoint in the agree or disagree essay introduction part. Briefly outline what you are going to say in the next two paragraphs to let the readers know what to expect.
  • Body. It is the part of the paper that aims at supporting your point of view. Be sure your readers are aware of the peculiarities of a specific topic. Your ideas and explanations to them should be clear. Support your ideas with real-life examples or made up examples. Divide the body part into two paragraphs: express the idea #1 in the first paragraph and provide the idea #2 in the second paragraph. Dedicate both paragraphs to agreeing or disagreeing with the statement. In case, you want to express your want to support the statement and disagree with it at the same time, separate your ideas into two paragraphs.
  • Conclusion. Summarize your thought but do not provide new ideas in the conclusion part. You can also give a recommendation or prediction based on your beliefs.

That is the standard agree or disagree essay outline that will help you to structure your paper and provide information in a direct and professional manner. A well-structured and organized paper shows how deeply a writer is concerned about the details and making a good impression.

Popular Agree or Disagree Essay Topics

Check 5 popular and easy-to-consider topics for your testing:

  • More people believe in the importance of producing more GM foods.
  • The prevention of health problems has a bigger priority than medicine provision.
  • Studying foreign languages is useless since the Internet translates within a second.
  • Fewer women tend to get married because if their financial security.
  • A good impression on job interview guarantees to get the desired position.

Explore more agree or disagree essay topics on money, education, society, health, technology, and communication subjects since they are popular for discussions among students.

Hopefully, our guidelines and tips helped you to understand what kind of paper you need to prepare. Follow the outline and search for ideas. If you still have an obscure understanding of how to write an agree or disagree essay, you can buy this custom essay online. With the help of the experienced writer, your assignment will look perfect!